South Kitsap Official 2024~25 Events Guide
& Community Map

The South Kitsap Chamber is excited to announce The Official Events Guide and Community Map publication. This new full color event guide will outline the entire year’s scheduled special events, annual functions, holiday celebrations and important contact information. This publication will help you market your business directly to area business owners, neighborhood residents and visitors. This is a remarkable advertising tool, highly visible by offering you the opportunity to showcase your business in a publication with business locators on the detailed community’s map that businesses and residents will keep on hand for easy reference of our upcoming community events.
Expand your On-Line Visibility As an Advertiser in our publication, you will benefit from having your ad seen on Smartphones, Tablets, and Desktops. By creating a digital copy of the publication, visitors and potential customers will see your ad and be linked to your website, for more information about your business, even if they are from outside your area.
Remember, the limited space is allocated on a first-response basis. Our publishing partner Town Square Publications can also be reached direct at (360) 768-0989 or email
Get your business noticed and keep it successful in support of our community events. Reserve your advertising space and get your business on the South Kitsap community map. Be sure customers know who you are and how easy it is to find you.
Bringing you tools for success,
Cody Clark
President / CEO